
eRINs Are "Low-Hanging Fruit" with Large Climate and Economic Benefits

eRINs: A Policy to Incentivize the Capture of Landfill Methane to Curb Climate Change

Municipal solid waste landfills are the third largest source of methane emissions from human activities. Learn about how EPA can take action to significantly reduce these emission by finalizing the eRIN pathway.

eRINs: Bringing Wastewater Treatment Plants to the Battle Against Climate Change

Wastewater treatment plants are a vast, untapped resource in the fight to combat climate change by reducing methane emissions, a greenhouse gas 30 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Learn more about how EPA could unlock that potential by finalizing its Electric Pathways framework proposal as part of the RFS.

North Carolina Representatives Urge EPA to Finalize the eRIN Pathway

On April 24, 2024, six members of the congressional delegation from North Carolina sent a letter to Administrator Regan, explaining the economic and environmental benefits that the eRIN program would bring to North Carolina.

Mayoral, Municipal Letter to Administrator Regan in Support of eRINs

Mayors and municipal leaders from across three states signed a letter to EPA Administrator Michael Regan asking for the finalization of an eRIN pathway in the RFS, explaining how the eRINs program would help capture and reduce methane emissions in their communities.

eRINs: A Sustainability Tool Leveling the Field for Smaller Farmers by Increasing Revenue and Sustainability

Learn more about how EPA can support methane capture and conversion into renewable energy sources, empowering smaller agricultural operations and fostering a more resilient farming community.

PEP Statement on Dept. of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024

This new Congressional appropriations package includes big wins for energy security, small farms, and the use of waste methane emissions. It directs the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to report within 90 days a plan to implement eRIN credits. This Congressional support affirms its intent to help finalize the eRINs program, so that American small farms have greater ability to capture on-farm waste methane and convert it to electricity for use in the transportation sector. EPA has done — and continues to do — heroic work as the key player in the Biden Administration’s whole-of-government approach to clean energy and energy security. This legislation would nudge EPA in the direction of notching yet another win for the global climate and rural economies.

A Majority of News-Attentive Voters Support eRINs

A national poll conducted by Hart Research and commissioned by The Partnership for Electric Pathways (PEP) revealed that a majority of news-attentive voters support eRINs.

Legal White Paper on the Statutory Authority for EPA’s Electric Pathway Framework Proposal

The Partnership for Electric Pathways (PEP) commissioned attorneys at Arnold & Porter to conduct a legal analysis of EPA’s Electric Pathway framework proposal. The analysis concluded that challenges to EPA’s longstanding position treating electricity as a renewable fuel in the RFS program are both out of time and off base on the merits. Even if this legal issue were within the scope of EPA’s proposal (which it is not), EPA’s interpretation of “renewable fuel” is well-grounded in the text, structure, history, and purposes of the RFS statutory provisions.

Partnership for Electric Pathways Announcement Letter to EPA

The Partnership for Electric Pathways (PEP) sent a letter to EPA Administrator Michael Regan on November 20, 2023 announcing the formation of PEP and reiterating the environmental and economic benefits of immediate implementation of the eRIN program.